Swing Search & Talent

Learn how Metaview has been a “game-changer and bar-raiser” for Swing Search.
What’s your favorite thing about Metaview?
So many things. I think number one is the peace of mind it gives me knowing I can focus my attention on call quality and relationship building and fact check later if needed. I just feel like Metaview has my back. And number two, the great customer service and customer experience.

The platform is incredibly easy to use and onboarding for my firm of 40 took us maybe 10 minutes. I still receive random Slack messages from coworkers who maybe I'm not even that close with that'll say, “Annie, thank you so much for bringing Metaview to Swing. It's my all time favorite tool and product, and it's completely changed my process.”
Have there been any unexpected benefits of using Metaview?
Probably the camaraderie of rallying behind a tool that we all love using. So I didn't expect for my coworkers to be so excited about it and to constantly tell me how much time that they're saving and how excited they are to have this product at Swing.
How much time are you saving because of Metaview?
Hours a day. It depends on the type of call. Is it a BD call? Is it an interview or an internal meeting? It can save me realistically 20 to 60 minutes per call.
Do you enjoy interviewing more as a result of using Metaview?
100%. I mean, Metaview has breathed more life into our firm as a whole. And I find myself reaching out to Metaview with small product enhancement ideas and referring this product to everyone I know in search. So it's been a game changer and a bar raiser at Swing.
Hear how Replit’s Talent team uses Metaview to save hours per week and go deeper with candidates.
Hear how Stephanie, TA Lead, saves 20+ hours per by relying on Metaview’s AI-generated summaries.
Flash Pack
Hear how Meera, Head of Talent, and the Flash Pack team use Metaview to authentically engage with candidates and make more informed decisions.
Hear what Natalie, Head of TA, loves about Metaview’s seamless user experience and support in making more informed decisions.
Hawk-Eye Innovations
Hear how Metaview helps Senior TA Partner, Thomas, manage the high-pressure task of getting candidates in quickly.
Hear how exec search leader, Shiv Brodie, uses Metaview to dig deeper with candidates and bring their responses to life for mission-driven hiring teams.
Craft Ventures
Hear how Cassie uses Metaview to save hours per week, fully engage with candidates, and automate notes perfectly customized to hiring managers' needs.
Polar Analytics
Learn why Metaview has been "the biggest step change" in Polar Analytics' interviewing that Head of People & Talent, Luke, has seen.
Ledger Investing
Senior Tech Recruiter, Nick, shares how Metaview helps him deliver candidates to hiring managers “on a silver platter”.
Ready Set Rocket
Head of Talent & HR, Shayna, shares how Metaview does the work of note-taking for her so she can focus on amazing conversations with candidates.
Hear how Metaview enables Lead Recruiter, Nix, maintain the human connection with candidates.
Dom, Senior Talent Partner, shares how Metaview helps save time for the entire HowNow team.
Recruitment Manager, Hannah, shares how she uses Metaview as a safety net to catch all the important details from interviews.
Georgie, Senior TA manager, shares how Metaview helps her take more accurate, detailed notes.
Hear how Metaview helped Head of People & Culture, Céline, reduce her post-interview note-writing time from 20 minutes to 30 seconds.
Coit Group
Learn how Noémie, Senior Technical Recruiter, leverages Metaview to impress hiring managers with her note quality.
Settlement Agreement Solicitors
Operations lead, Martin, shares how Metaview gives him reassurance that, even if an interview derails, all the important points are captured.
Ready to try Metaview?